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Ms. Carmalita Fowler



Hello. My name is Carmalita. I was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. I went to a great High School, Benjamin E Mays as well as one of the best HBCU's, Spelman College. Initially, I did not have plans to become an Educator. I worked in retail, sales and spent several years in the Insurance Industry. However, a downturn in the economy propelled me to get an advanced Degree in Education from the University of Phoenix. I have been educating students for close to 20 years. Throughout the years, I've gained certifications in Gifted, Reading, and Computer Science all in an effort to keep up with the trends of smarter students and the growing field of STEM. Although my educational goals change from year to year, I hope to inspire students to be their best selves, to contribute to society in the best way possible.

Period Class Syllabus Remind Code
1st Economics and Personal Finance   Syllabus       @ge48f3d
3rd AP Macroeconomics   Syllabus       @ge48f3d
4th Personal Finance and Economics   Syllabus      @ge48f3d