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Title I Parent Resources

Title I Parent and Family Engagement Liaison

Greeting my Morrow High School Family. My name is Mrs. Pass-Brown, I serve as the Title I
Parent Liaison at Morrow High School. I am delighted to be part of such a great school and supportive
community. I have worked within the public school system for more than sixteen years. My primary goal
is to increase parental involvement in an effort to maximize your child’s ability and strengthen his/her
academic goals. When parents are active in their student’s educational process, they exceed emotionally,
socially and academically.
How will it be achieved? The MHS teachers and staff will share relevant topics and strategies for
parents to use to support their child continued education. At the beginning of each year Title l Schools
must develop a written policy describing how the school will support the important role of parents in their
students learning. During our Spring and Fall Input Parental meetings, we ask for your feedback to use to
jointly development a Parent and Family Engagement Plan and School Compact. Each day, our Parent
Resource Center is available for learning sessions, scheduling parent and teacher conferences, check
individual student’s grades, as well as information about county wide testing dates. We also provide
educational material for parents and families to assist student at home with their educational needs.
What is Title I? Title I is a part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). This act
provides federal funds through the Georgia Department of Education to local education agencies (LEA’s)
and public schools. The purpose of Title I is to ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a
high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. I
am so thankful to serve you and look forward to a lasting partnership! I am located in suite 1110 the Morrow Mustang Parent's Corner. Parental Involvement, is key for your student’s academic success.

Tonya Pass-Brown
Title I Parent Liaison
Morrow High School
Phone 770-473-3241 ext. 503206
Fax 770-473-3244

Parent Survey Link
Title I Meeting